Hundepension "Grisette"

  Mia befand sich bei uns in der Pension, bis ein neues Zuhause gefunden wurde.
22. März 2025: Half a year has gone by

Name:                     Mia
Geboren:                06.10.2021
Rasse:                    Galgo español

Geschlecht:           Hündin kastriert
Grösse:                   ca. 65 cm

März 2024 Vorstellung von Mia :
Mia, eine von Tausenden Galgos jedes Jahr, die von ihren Jägern nicht mehr "gebraucht" werden können. Wenn die Hunde Glück haben, landen sie wie Mia in einer Auffangstation, haben sie nicht so Glück sterben sie auf der Strasse oder werden sonstwie "beseitigt".
Mia reist im April in die Schweiz und macht sich dann hier auf die Suche nach ihrem neuen Zuhause.

Falls Sie Mia
kennenlernen möchten und ihr ein passendes Zuhause geben könnten, verlangen Sie bitte unser unverbindliches Bewerbungsformular: Tel. 0041 32 462 3219 (falls Anrufbeantworter, bitte Meldung hinterlassen, wir rufen gerne zurück) oder per Mail:
ist geimpft, gechippt, kastriert, auf Mittelmeerkrankheiten getestet und wird bei der Einreise durch uns verzollt. Sie wird mit Schutzvertrag gegen eine Schutzgebühr von SFr. 600.-- nach vorheriger Platzvorkontrolle vermittelt.

27. April 2024 Mia ist angekommen :
Letzten Samstag sind Mia und Thanos gut bei uns im Jura angekommen. Mia ist eine freundliche Hündin die schnell mal Vertrauen fasst zum Menschen. Mit den anderen Hunde kommt sie gut klar.

31. Mai 2024 Gute News von Mia :
Mias Gangbild ist nicht ganz "rund". Gem. Aussage des spanischen Tierarztes sei der Grund ein alter Bruch, diese Aussage kam wohl aufgrund ihrer grossen alten Narbe am Hinterbein. Da der Tierarzt der Meinung war, dass ein Röntgen keinen Sinn macht, da man eh nicht mehr operieren könne, wurde leider in Spanien nicht auch gleich geröngt als Mia in Narkose war zum Kastrieren.

Als letzte Woche Nicole von Pawsontrails hier war um Anuschka zu behandeln, schaute sie sich auch gleich noch Mia an :
Die bezaubernde Mia durfte ich heute kurz ein erstes Mal untersuchen. Ihr war zwar nicht ganz wohl dabei, aber sie hat super brav hingehalten und die getrocknete Ente, die es zur Belohnung gab fand sie dann doch sehr lecker. 😋
Woher ihre Narben stammen, wird wohl für immer ein Geheimnis bleiben. Die Wunde am rechten Oberschenkel war damals aber auf jeden Fall gross und tief und die Vernarbungen und Verklebungen ziehen sich durch mehrere Gewebeschichten bis in die Muskulatur durch. Was natürlich schon eine Erklärung für den "unrunden" Gang sein kann. Auf den ersten Blick zumindest scheinen ihre Gelenke in Ordnung zu sein. Es ist aber auf jeden Fall wichtig, dass noch Röntgenbilder gemacht werden um festzustellen, ob auch die knöchernen Strukturen betroffen sind und um danach einen entsprechenden Therapieplan machen zu können.
Physiotherapie ist für Mia in nächster Zeit sinnvoll um die durch das veränderte Gangbild überlasteten und verspannten Strukturen zu entspannen, die Narbe und das darumliegende Gewebe wieder möglichst geschmeidig zu machen, ihr Gangbild zu schulen und die Muskulatur zu stärken

In der Zwischenzeit haben wir das Röntgen nun nachgeholt und es gibt sehr gute News: es handelt sich "nur" um eine grössere Verletzung des Muskels, die Knochen sind alle heil (wir haben auch gleich den Rücken, Ellbogen, Handgelenke röntgen lassen)
Nun wird täglich das Gewebe bei der alten Narbe massiert um so die Verklebungen möglichst zu lösen und mit regelmässigen Spaziergängen auf verschiedenen Untergründen wird das Gangbild sich sicher bald bessern. Nun braucht es nur noch das richtige Zuhause für diese hübsche, zierliche Galga. Hier noch neue Fotos:

08. August 2024 Unterwegs mit Mia :
Mia entwickelt sich gut, die Spaziergänge sind bisher sehr angenehm. Auch die Katze die letztes Mal unter einem Auto sass brachte sie nicht gross aus der Ruhe. Wir hoffen doch, dass diese nette und hübsche Hündin bald ihre Menschen findet denn sie wartet schon viel zu lange.
Unterwegs mit Mia (movie)

06. September 2024 Mia ist umgezogen:

Vor einiger Zeit hatten wir Besuch von einer sehr netten Familie, die einem Galgo ein Zuhause schenken wollte. Wir waren mit Tenya, Argos und Mia unterwegs, schlussendlich waren wir uns einig, dass Mia der passende Hund ist. Und so kommts, dass die Hübsche umziehen durfte, hier die ersten News von dort:
Dear Sandra, 
Mia has been with us for over a week now, and she's slowly coming out of her shell and gaining trust in me. She is becoming more certain about her new life with us every day; every step that she takes in our walks in the neighborhood is becoming more confident. As a new Galgo's person, I am very grateful for your support and guidance. Since our walk together with you last weekend, Mia and I have only had very lovely walks together. She sniffs out all lamp posts, fences and the shrubs on our walking routes, taking in all the novel sounds, sights, and smells. When she is hesitant, a gentle tug and "Vamos" are enough to get her going again. If she continues to be reluctant, I encourage her to break into a slow run with me, and that is always enough to make this beautiful, cautious girl enjoy the walk again. I love watching her ears flapping in the wind and her tail bouncing up and down when she trots with me. She always turns to check while we "run", perhaps to make sure she isn't too fast for me. :)
She does not like the cows in the meadow. Whenever she sees them, she moves to make sure I am between her and the cows. She is also very wary of dogs who are very enthusiastic about getting to know her. She gets really close to me when a dog approaches her. Sometimes, when the other owner has the time, we would give the dogs a few minutes to get used to each other, and let them get closer to each other when Mia shows interest. She's become a bit more familiar with one of the neighborhood dogs, Jimbo, whose person adopted him from Romania. Mia even went up to Jimbo's person for pets. :)

Mia has been eating and drinking well. At the moment she only toilets once a day during our morning walk, and I still cannot convince her to relieve herself in the garden, but hopefully when the weather cools down and her outdoor dog bed has arrived, she and I can spend a bit more time out there (with a leash) so that she can get used to the garden. 
Mia has only spent a few days with Nick, but she's already convinced him that she's very loveable and deserves all the patience. Bethany adores Mia and I think the feelings are mutual. She responds to Bethany's gentleness and often licks Bethany. She also likes Bethany's slippers the most!
Thank you, Sandra, for entrusting Mia to me. She is a dream that came true to me. Even though she's slightly reserved, she gains trust quickly. I attribute that to her being under your care and all the good experiences she's had in Grisette. We are so fortunate to be able to adopt Mia from you. 
Hope you are all well, and more people who are looking to welcome a dog to their homes will turn to Grisette and get to know the amazing job that you are doing with all the deserving animals. 
More updates will come when she's spent even more time with us :) 

27. Oktober 2024 One month with Mia :
Dear Sandra,
Today is the 28th September, which means Mia has been with us for a whole month. What a wonderful month we've had together!
Mia fits into our life as if she's always been with us, and it's hard to believe we have only been her family for a month. But we still have to work to earn her trust. About a week ago she got zapped by a live fence when she wandered off for a sniff around while I was picking her poop with my back turned. She cried, barked, and looked at me as if to ask: What did you do to me? It was heartbreaking how fearful she was of me for almost a whole week. She is still very suspicious of the blue poop bag because I was holding one when she got zapped. But she decided she would slowly try to trust us again, especially when we are eating something yummy. We are still on probation, though!

She is eating, drinking, and sleeping well. She even did a quick zoomie for a few seconds last night! We go out for a walk three times a day, two big ones in the morning and in the later afternoon, and a short one just before bed. Mia loves to walk, but she is always a little wild in the last walk at night. Every shadow she sees she suspects that it might be a cat, and wants to chase them. Once she was so fast that the leash flew out of my hand. Luckily she responded to us when we called her back and she was just two meters away. From then on I only walked with a leash around my waist at night. 
Every weekend when Nick comes home she goes up to him, leans on his leg, and asks for pets. The big softie that is Nick will spend minutes petting her, and give her some more if he thinks she needs to be shown affection. It's very sweet to see the pair of them coming out of their respective shells when they are with each other :)

Yesterday we had some friends coming over for lunch. Altogether we were seven people. We told the visitors to ignore her so that she wouldn't feel the pressure to socialise with them. Half way through the lunch Mia got up and walked up to the adults to ask for some attention! But with children she is still a little reserved, especially when there are more than two of them at the same time.
Mia will turn three next month, and we have already been discussing whether we should bake her a doggie cake or give her chicken breast on a bed of cottage cheese for her birthday. But either way, we will celebrate her turning three, and we will try to take photos to show you whether the birthday girl is impressed by what her family has planned for her.
We continue to be very grateful for your support, Sandra, and for letting us have Mia. She is such a great gift, and I hope many more families will find their great gifts through Grisette.

Und hier noch ein paar Fotocollagen der vergangenen Wochen:

Mia hat Noemi kennengelernt

22. März 25 Half a year has gone by :
Dear Sandra,  
Mia has been with us for over half a year. An update with photos is in order :)
We have settled into a very comfortable routine as a family. Three walks, two big meals and many small treats in between, and a gazillion cuddles and bum scritches every day. Mia's favourite dog treat is duck sausages, but duck sausages cannot compete with whatever her humans are eating. Eggs, cheese, strawberries, apples--Mia wants a bite of everything.

We as parents have a strict rule of no begging with our human child, and we have always enforced it with great success. But Mia's silent begging with her puppy eyes melts away all of our resolve. B is always telling Mia: mum doesn't accept begging, but you are an exception, because you are too cute. 

Last December we brought Mia with us when we went skiing in Oberiberg, and we all had a blast playing in the very deep snow. 

We have had quite a few rounds of visitors coming to stay with us since Mia had joined us last August, and everyone loves Mia. She is calm, friendly, and very funny. She has also begun to make a few canine friends in our neighbourhood. We go on spontaneous social walks from time to time. Mia has also received a lot of compliments about her autumn/winter wardrobe. 
Sometimes I allow myself to imagine what it would be like to have two Galgos; that way Mia would always have a playmate at home. But it is just a dream for now. We are so very lucky with Mia, who fits right into our life like a piece of perfectly-shaped missing puzzle. We are all very content with our affectionate canine child, and looking forward to spending more time--both exciting and not-so-exciting--together. 

We hope everyone at Grisette, regardless of the lengths, shapes, and sizes of their noses, are doing well. We got into the habit of checking the Grisette website regularly, and are always pleased to know when your lovely dogs are matched with good families. People sometimes tell us how lucky Mia is to have found a home with us. But the jury is still out when it comes to who is/are the lucky one(s): If only they knew what Mia has brought to our family. 

I hope more families will get to enjoy such good fortune through you, Grisette, and your partner organisations. :)

Best wishes, 
Winne and family